Walk 25 November 2007

Dear all We awoke on Sunday to some suspicious looking cloud floating about on the Sierras, as this was the destination for this weeks walk I had to do some head scratching and try and think of an alternative venue. Fortunately by 9am the clouds had cleared and the sky was a deep blue, so back to the original plans ofPico Pioacho. This is a 1743 meter high peak, 10 km up a drivable forest road from Durcal , the road did suffer a little in the big storm in September, and so in a number of places you have to shut your eyes and tighten your seat belt, but it is well worth the white knuckle ride to save a 20km walk. The walk starts by following a goodzig zag path up to the peak, before reaching what must be one of the best high level traverse paths in Spain, with extensive views across the RioDilar, Travenque and Veleta. At the end of the traverse we climb another small path over a col, and into a baranco for an easy return back to the forest road, at this point it was dif...