Walk 25 November 2007

Dear all
We awoke on Sunday to some suspicious looking cloud floating about on the Sierras, as this was the destination for this weeks walk I had to do some head scratching and try and think of an alternative venue. Fortunately by 9am the clouds had cleared and the sky was a deep blue, so back to the original plans ofPico Pioacho. This is a 1743 meter high peak, 10 km up a drivable forest road from Durcal , the road did suffer a little in the big storm in September, and so in a number of places you have to shut your eyes and tighten your seat belt, but it is well worth the white knuckle ride to save a 20km walk. The walk starts by following a goodzig zag path up to the peak, before reaching what must be one of the best high level traverse paths in Spain, with extensive views across the RioDilar, Travenque and Veleta. At the end of the traverse we climb another small path over a col, and into a baranco for an easy return back to the forest road, at this point it was difficult to tell if you were walking in the baranco , or on the forest road, such was the damage suffered in the storm. There was only one thing that marred what could have been a pleasant day and a great walk, and that was when little John decided to put on hisPringle jumper, now it may be alright to look a prat on the golf course, but here, in the peace and quiet and stunning beauty of the Sierra Nevada mountains it is just not right. In future his rucksack will be checked before he is allowed out. This walk will now be called the "Pringle prat walk" The flat tyre virus of last week has now mutated into the flat battery virus, as John´s car would not start, if it is as infectious as last weeks virus we may all need to carry jump leads. After the walk we returned to Deborah´s house inNigúelas for a great tapa party. Thanks to Deborah for the hosting and to everyone who turned up.
Our walk next week the 25th November is the "Super Mario". This walk is named after the high speed Japanese cartoon character, in memory of a walk we did 12 months ago when 4 reasonable fit Limpers were out scouting this route and whilst stopping for rests were repeatedly passed by a not so young Spanish guy who came from nowhere, anddisappeared in a cloud of dust, only to appear about 1 hour later hightailing it down the track again. The walk starts at the Sevilla car park above Cumbres Verdes, and traverses along the hillside of Cerro del Tamboril before passing the refugio at fuente Fria and climbing up Cerro Gordo . The walk is about 14km and climbs about 540 meters, the climbing is spread out over about 10km on good paths, walking time about 4 hours. If you want to go meet in the car park inNigúelas at 9 am. Afterwards tapa is arranged at Joan and Kens house in Albuñuelas.
The photo shows Quina, Alan, John without his Pringle jumper, Rob, Sandy, Alison, Angel, and Andy.