Walk 18th November 2007

Dear all
Due to circumstance's beyond the managements control our planned Sunday Urban walk around Granada walk was rescheduled to Saturday, this was not because has some of our lady walkers suggested because the shops would be closed, but it was to fit in with Pablo our guides busy diary. Our tour took us up and around the caves of Sacremonte and through unknown parts of the Albayzin. Pablo kept us entertained the whole time with the history of the area and wild tales of debauchery, and other goings on, among the ruling class. Something I did learn along the way was the Annie is the illegitimate daughter of Arturo, and I, have been having an affair with her, whilst betrothed to Margaret, who is Arturo's legitimate daughter, and Alan my dad, is not happy about having to give Arturo is 2 Euro dowry back. The above explanation was given to help explain one of the complicated family stories that Pablo was telling us in the middle of the Albayzin, the good folk of Granada must have wondered what was was happening when we all broke down in tears as Annie, the shameless hussy was thrown into jail. An excellent day out was had by all, and we rounded it off with drinks at MigĂșels bar in NigĂșelas afterwards. A big thank you to Pedro for all the effort he put into it.
Our walk this Sunday the 18th November is a superb high level traverse up Pioacho Alto. The walk is a circular one and involves approximately 430 metres of accent on a reasonable path but it is quite steep, estimated walking time is about 4 hours. The walk is rated medium difficult. We meet outside the Renault garage in Marchena and then take the forest road some 10 km up into the hills, the road is passable but care is needed. Please check you have a good spare tyre, there appears to be a puncture virus going around at the moment, I know of at least 3 people who have caught it this last week. Tapa at Deborahs afterwards
The photo shows
Margaret, Annie, Pedro, Artruo, Alan, Peppa
Ken, Joan, Martin, Deborah, Quina.
I have no idea who the body is at the top of the steps.
Apologies for spelling and grammatical errors, the flunky who normally checks this is still away.