Walk 16th December 2007

Dear Limper
After a promising start on Sunday, in sunshine and blue skies, we set off for what I had billed would be one of the finest walks ever. A beautiful mountain and fantastic views in all directions. Well, by the time we had driven the 1.5 hours including 20km on a forest track which took us deep into the Sierra Almijara, some in the group were questioning their wisdom and sanity on choosing to come out on todays outing, the weather had started to deteriorate, the clouds were rolling in, and the wind was starting to freshen. but our goal was still in sight, Pico Lucero, stood there, majestically, waiting for anyone foolish enough to climb her, ( I know it is masculine, but climb him does not sound right). As we started to climb the mountain the clouds crept lower and the wind picked up, by the time we had been going about 40 minutes we were in mist, and walking at a funny angle, Quina´s dogs were being carried as they were in danger of taking flying lessons. So with still another 40 minutes to go to the top, the health and safety committee made a decision to abandon the expedition to conquer Lucero. A wise choice, even as we dejectedly made our way back to the bar Venta del Fraile the mist continued to swirl around us. it was only when we returned to the Valley that we discovered that they had had sunshine all day.
On our return to Chite we all headed to our house for tapa, can I thank everyone who turned up for the walk and tapa, an excellent turnout and fantastic food. I was disappointed about the weather, fortunately we do not get too many like that, anyway we still enjoyed the day.
Our walk this coming Sunday is from Chite down to the lake and across to Melegis and returning via the castle at Murchas, a bar in Talara and back to Arthur's in Chite for tapa around 2.30. Total distance about 10km with no serious hills to climb. If you are going on the walk please meet at our house in Chite 9am.
The only photo we managed to get was of a little elf sheltering from the bad weather, (not my sarcastic comments this time)