Walk 23rd December 2007
All week we have had blue skies and sunshine, so it was a bit of a let down on Sunday morning when we awoke to grey skies, but because our intended route was around the valley it was not going to cause us too many problems. Our path led us fromChite down to the lake and along the path to Restabal where we witnessed the damage done by the September storm, I hope they are going to get a grant from somewhere to repair the damage because it is going to cost a few Euros to restore thebankings and the road. From Restabal we headed up to the castle at Murchas, sampling the first of this seasons oranges along the way. By now the clouds had parted and the blue skies had returned and everyone was busy shedding the extra jumpers needed earlier. We returned toChite via Murchas, and the Noche Azul in Talara . This weeks prize for plonker of the week goes to me, for falling down a pot hole and then later slipping off the footpath and down a banking whilst doing a diversion caused by the storm. We reconvened back at Arthur's house for tapa, another excellent day and great tapa, thanks to everyone. This walk was voted number 1 by Damien.
Walk Sunday 23rd December
I know I have a reputation for stretching the truth sometimes (undeservedly) when it comes to describing the walks, but this one is easy, the lowest rating, classed suitable for Olwyn, it is 90% down hill, and the other 10% is hardly a hill at all, it is about 11km long on a good track from the carretera de Cabra back to Padul with excellent views over the Sierra Nevada, estimated walking time 3 hours. The hardest part is organising the transport, as it is a linear walk we need to position vehicles at the end of the walk, before driving to the start of the walk. If you want to go on the walk meet at 9am. opposite theTaberna Baeta bar in Padul, ( from Durcal take the first junction for Padul, follow the road into Padul going round the left hand and then right hand turns, the bar has a covered area, over the pavement and is about 50 meters on your right just before the 2nd set of traffic lights). Afterwards tapa is arranged at Jossete´s house in Chite, around 3.00pm.
At the moment the weather forecast for this week is not looking too good, with a chance of rain on Sunday, if we have to cancel the walk, please come to tapa at 3pm.
Have a good week, and I wish everyone a Merry Christmas.
The photo shows Margaret, Alison, Damien, Sandy, Josette, Plym.