Walk 24th August 2009

The weather forecast for our walk on Sunday had slowly been going down hill all week, with the promise of cloud and cooler temperatures getting a little bit worse each day, things were not looking good for our walk to Mulhacen, mainland Spain's highest peak. We were committed, in part, to at least some of the walk because we had booked tickets on the National Park bus out of Capileira. Our early Sunday morning start brought cloudy skies and no sun, it was 7.15 in the morning and apparently the sun does rise at this time of the day in August, but by the time we caught the bus at 8.30 the clouds were breaking up and we had the start of what looked like a promising day. The bus drops you off around 10 am, the clouds had gone and the sun was warm. The conditions were perfect for climbing Mulhacen. For 5 years I have been reading fairy tales about being able to see Africa 200 km away from these mountains, I have always considered it a myth similar to Ryanairs customer care policy, but there Africa was, in the far distance, what a start to the day! We used the old road route to climb to the summit, whilst it is longer because it zig zags it's way up, it is not steep, you would hardly know you were climbing the 2400 ft to the top!!! Last year when we went up, it was so windy and cold we only stayed a few minutes, frightened that we would all turn into ice men. This time we were reluctant to begin the descent it was so warm, and the views stupendous, but we had a bus to catch. Upon our return to Capileira refreshments were taken in a local bar before returning to Talara for 7.30, a very enjoyable 12 hour outing. There is no planned walk this weekend as I have to return to the UK for a short break, my friends over there assure me it will be warm and sunny, so I am really looking forward to it! The next walk is Sunday the 31st August, plans to follow. The Photo shows Quina, Sandy and Maria on the summit of Mulhacen