Walk 9th November 2008

I do not know what the official government position is regarding the ending of the 7 year drought, but here in the valley we have seen so much rain this week that I keep expecting Noah to knock on the door wanting to know if I want to buy a boat. Combine that with the low temperatures that we are having to endure at the moment and you can understand the trauma that us Lecrin folk are going through.
Our walk on Sunday was always going to be a hit or miss affair, not knowing from one day to the next what the weather would bring. When the cat came in at 5am Sunday morning, dripping wet, I thought it was going to be another day reading the Sunday papers, but by 7 am the clouds had rolled back and we had the makings of a fine day. By 9 the sun was shining but it was still only 4 degrees when we met in Nigúelas, but with hats, scarfs and gloves and the odd layer of thermal clothing everything was set for a stroll into the hills above Nigúelas. The views were stunning with Caballo covered in a fresh layer of deep snow and there was also water flowing in the Rio Torrente, not many folk can say they have seen that. An excellent walk rounded off wonderfully when we all went round to Liz and Grahams for tapa. Thank you L&G for providing the venue and once again to everyone for the food.
Hopefully by next Sunday the weather will return to something like normal but to be on the safe side we will go down to Guaja Faragúit and a walk to the ruined castle. This is a delightful walk but there is a steepish climb of 100 meters up to the castle. This is a 3 Euro walk please pay the driver direct.
Afterwards tapa will be held at our house in Chite around 3 pm
Height gained | 150 meters |
Length | 6 km |
Estimated time | 3 hours walking |
Difficulty | 5 |
Meet | The Acropolis bar Mondújar 9am |