Walk Sunday 27 December 2015 Velez de Benuadalla

Hi. I wasn’t able to go on the Sunday Christmas walk so Cees offered to organise it, and show everyone around his village. He is always wittering on about what a beautiful place it is. I always thought he was a bit jealous of the rest of us, the true limpers who live up in the Lecrin Valley, but, after listening to some of the people who went on the walk and seeing the photos I will admit I was wrong, it is the Beautiful Village of Velez de Benaudalla. Thank you Cees for leading the walk. Walk Sunday 27th December. Kees has asked me to write a few words about our Sunday walk. He was a bit worried that if he wrote it he would simply wax lyrically about the Beautiful Village of Velez de Benaudalla and drive everybody nuts. So! Here goes! We met at 9.30 in front of the Magnificent church in the centre of the most Wonderful Village of Velez de Benaudalla. Without further ado Kees led us up through the Charming streets of this Fascinating Village to the Na...