Walk 6 December 2015 Nigúelas circular

This week we had a cold start to our circular walk from Nigúelas, it was only 3 degrees at 9 am when we all met up in the carpark.
We set off at a brisk pace to try and warm up, but that only made things worse. We were heading downhill to the Rio Torrente and we were moving so fast the wind chill made us even colder. It was only after we had climbed out of the valley up into Acequias that we actually began to feel warm.
From Acequias the path continues along the GR7 as it climbs up the well graded path to  Cerro Alto. Looking back it was quite surreal to see the windmills poking out of the mist that was drifting up from the coast.  At the top the path meets the Nigúelas / Lanjaron track which we followed for a short distance, before climbing again on a track that takes you towards the Rio Torrente. Normally at this time of the year you have views of the snow covered pico Caballo. This year there was nothing, the little snow we have had is long gone. Does anyone want to buy a new pair of unused of snowshoes I bought a few weeks back?
Just before we started our descent back to Nigúelas we stopped for an early lunch in the warm winter sunshine.
After lunch we made our way down to the Torrente valley then along the acequia path into Nigúelas. The best thing about a walk from Nigúelas is the tapas you get at Miguel’s. I must say it did not disappoint.   

We walked 10.6 km and climbed 511 metres.
In the afternoon everyone came around to our house for tapas.


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