Walk Sunday 13th December 2015 Camera del Agua Velz de Benuadalla

This week we had planned to go up to Pampaneira to do a walk of the 3 villages, but, by Saturday morning the weather forecast was for temperatures of around 3 degrees and rain. Yes that is right RAIN, after months of waiting we were finally promised some, it never appeared apart from a few spots, but we did get a promise. With the prospect of walking in the rain and temperatures at near freezing I decided to change our plans and head down to Velez de Benaudalla, that beautiful village at the bottom of the hill and a way marked walk called the camera del agua.  
The walk starts besides the river which we followed for 10 minutes, just long enough to warm the muscles up before the climb. The path twists and turns as it makes its way up the hillside until it eventually levels off and runs along the hillside next to a large acequia. This is the camera del agua and it feeds a hydroelectric plant down by the river. We stopped here for a short break and to admire the view of the beautiful village of Velez de Benaudalla. The path continued along the hillside before dropping down to the river which we walked alongside back to the cars. We stopped part way along it for our lunch break with picnic tables and a view of the river. It was very pleasant sitting there in the warm afternoon sun, thinking about the 3 degrees and cloud covered walk we had originally planned from Pampaneira.
We returned to the cars and then drove into Velez to finish our day out with a drink in a very friendly bar.
We did have a couple of spots of rain but not enough to wet anything but I did notice some snow on Cabello on Monday morning.   

We walked 9.7 km and climbed 429 metres.


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