Walk 23 October 2016 Lanjaron

With the unsettled weather continuing we had organised an easy, short walk from Lanjaron. The walk had numerous options for modification to fit in with the weather.
 It had rained first thing in the morning but the tea bags were predicting a dry walk. By the time we met at 09.00 in Beznar there were black clouds swirling about above us, leading some to question the the accuracy of using Yorkshire tea bags in Spain.
 The walk started from the Casita de la Papel in Lanjaron, a convenient place for drinks and tapas after the walk. It was closed for holidays, and there was me thinking we could help Ray kick his 70th birthday celebrations off in fine style. The path goes up past the ermita de San Isidro, a chapel built for the labourers of Lanjaron in the early 20th century. The path continues up through the campo, and past a quarry before finally coming out on the GR7 Nigúelas/ Lanjaron road. Ever since Mike and I discovered this route years ago I have never understood how it makes climbing 400 metres appear so easy. In what seems like no time at all you arrive at the Mirador and are looking down on Lanjaron.
 Looking back over to Pinos del Valle we could see the rain sweeping down the valley. So putting on our rain coats, in expectation of getting wet, we set off along a newly waymarked path. We had come this way earlier in the year with Martin, when the path was in reasonable condition, but after some recent rock falls, and with what looks like more to follow,  I will admit it wasn’t easy, but it is worth it, because the rest of the route is superb.  With the rain passing us by, and the sun once again shining, we stopped for an early lunch beside a tree hanging onto the hillside with what looks like sheer determination.
 The walk continued down through the pine forest and then onto a series of little paths alongside streams and acequias. The paths were covered in Chestnuts, and it was a shame we did not have sufficient time to pick them all up but there were just too many of them.
 It was a good walk and apart from a few spots of rain it remained dry.  
In the afternoon we went round to Ray and Caroline’s to help Ray celebrate becoming a really old Git.

We walked 10.8 km and climbed 519 metres


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