Walk Sunday 2 October 2016 Monachil

Our walk on Sunday was to Moclin. The walk started in Olivares, a small village at the bottom of the hill, Moclin with it’s castle sits at the top of the hill. So yes, you have guessed it! We had to climb up to it.
There was a lot of cloud about when we met up in Cozvijar but, by the time we arrived in Olivares, it had cleared away and turned into a spectacular day. We made good progress on  the climb up to Moclin and I thought we had time for a coffee before we went on to the castle for a quick visit.
The bar was packed, I have never seen so many people in Moclin, by the time we had all been served it was getting too late to go up to the castle. Going on past experience it was to be expected as we have never managed to get into a castle in the 13 years the group has been running. In anticipation of this, and to avoid disappointing all the castle lovers, I had arranged for some guys to bring along a bouncy castle and erect it in front of the bar. Even this failed, the castle remained flat, refusing to be blown up.
 The next item on the agenda was to the prehistoric cave paintings, now the guy who painted them was no Michelangelo,  but, with a bit of imagination, you can see some of the animals they must have hunted in these parts thousands of years ago.
 Resuming our walk we went down to the picnic area, a lovely spot with tables and chairs and running water, a hikers paradise, a dream come true, and what does Dave Hobbs do? He sits on a wall. This is the very same man who complains every time he has to rough it at meal times  Our way back was along a path  in a deep gorge that runs beside the river. The sides of the gorge slowly edge in and you end up walking along a boardwalk fastened to the rock face and finally cross a swing bridge. Normally people walk across these bridges in an orderly manner, but this week it was like a rugby scrum, with Plym leading the charge after elbowing everyone else aside.
 With order restored the walk back to Olivares continued alongside the river, I have never seen so many people out walking, the path was heaving. Arriving back in the village we stopped for refreshment at the bar before making our way home.

A great day out even if we didn’t walk very far.

We walked 10 km and climbed 487 metres


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