Walk Sunday 13 November 2016 Nigúelas
This week, we had the first of this years autumn colour walks, which started from Nigúelas. It was cool on the car park at 9 am but we had a hill to climb, don’t we always. We would soon warm up when we started climbing. First though we had to walk across to Acequias which involves dropping down to the Rio Torrente, I have only once seen it living up to its name and that was in 2006, and it’s not due to flood again until the 18th September 2021.
We joined the GR7 long distance footpath leading out of Acequias, heading for Istanbul, not our destination as we had only a short walk planned this week. Dave and Julie had decided not to join us this week, preferring a lazy Sunday in bed instead, so Mike took the lead. Now normally he prefers to walk at the back, just tagging on behind everyone else, but with Dave’s position at the front vacant, he took the lead and charged off up the hill, leaving everyone in his wake. Poor Jim went A**e over T*t and ended up floundering about like a beached whale, unable to right himself until someone dragged him upright. The thing that upset him most was his Banana, he had fallen on it.
Mike did not even stop when we reached the road, a place where we normally stop for a short breather and a drink, Fernando had to go chasing after him and try and persuade him that us oldies at the back needed a rest. Re grouping and resuming our walk we continued up to the 1330 metre line, our maximum for the day and a convenient point to stop for lunch. The way back was all downhill past the magnificent rocky cliffs of the Falla de Nigúelas and at the bottom we took the acequia path that leads into Nigúelas.
One of the treats of this walk is Miguel's bar on the car park, I love his tuna and spinach tapas.
A short but enjoyable walk.
In the afternoon everyone came round to our house for tapas.
We walked 10.7 km and climbed 519 metres