Walk Sunday 6 November 2016 Guajar Faraguit
The weather forecast for Sunday this week was not promising, wind, rain, and cool temperatures. It was the kind of forecast to make you want to pull the covers up and go back to sleep. By 6 am Sunday morning the rain had passed over, it was still cold and windy but that was not going to bother us as we were going down the hill to Guajar Faraguit, always a good valley to walk in when it’s cool on the hill. Mind, I was still surprised to see folks turning up at Beznar in their summer walking gear of shorts and T-shirts. I had my fleece, coat and scarf on, much more in keeping with the 8 degrees the car was saying. Even Jan and Martine had long trousers on.
After driving to Faraguit we set off walking up the hill and it wasn’t long before Elsa acquired a new dog, he followed us and played with Floppy the whole walk.
I don’t know if was all the exertion of climbing up the hill, or wether the temperature was actually rising, but we were soon stripping off our coats and fleeces, you would then turn a corner and the cold wind would catch you again. The walk continued uphill for the next hour or so. At the top we decided to look for somewhere for lunch, out of the wind, eventually we came across a spot where someone had built a new wall against which he had planted herbs in a raised bed. This made a perfect spot, The seating was adequate, the views wonderful and the smell from the herbs was superb, and best of all there was no wind.
The way back was all downhill and we passed an amazing variety of fruit just ripe for picking. There were Avocados, Custard Apples, Passion fruit, Almonds, Walnuts and even some Bananas, but they weren’t ready yet.
On the way back into town Mike must have smelt the beer, I have not seen him move so fast in a long time, he was around the bend and out of sight in no time at all. To keep him happy and to refresh ourselves we stopped at the bar before making our way back up the hill and the cool temperatures of our valley.
A good day out, with amazing blue skies after the grey ones we have had the last few days.
We walked 12.6 km and climbed 507 metres