Walk 25 May 2008

Our walk last Sunday was from Lanjaron to Mondújar and, whilst normally it is a very pleasant route, at this time of the year with all the wild flowers out it was a delight, and for me it was nice to see some sunshine, having just spent another 4 days back in the UK checking out those unbelievable reports that the old country was bathed in wall to wall sunshine. Believe me, it's a myth, there was nothing but grey cloud and a cold wind. The only time I got warm was when I was huddled around the gas fire. By contrast, over here we were soon walking in T shirts. I do admit that the fleece jackets came out on a number of occasions, when, rounding a corner we were hit by a cool northerly breeze. Even the gathering black storm clouds kept well away from us. We rounded the day off at Josette's house in Chite for another wonderful tapa party. A big thank you to Josette for hosting and to everyone who turned up.

Our walk this Sunday, the 25th of May, is an easy one. Suitable for everyone. We start off near the Alhambra Palace in Granada and go on a circular walk around
Llano de la Perdiz. The walk starts off with an easy climb, and our guide this week will be Pepa. This weeks tapa will be held at Deborah's house in Nigúelas.


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