Walk 29th June 2008

I hope last weeks letter did not cause too much confusion by dating the next walk as the 21st July. This was the kind of typical mistake made by any guy suffering from overwork, and as you all know, all we poor souls over here do all day is work, work, work. Well that is my excuse!
With the petrol strike over, the sun shining and the temperature rising it was decided that a higher level walk was called for, so we headed off to the Alpajurras for a walk in the Poqueira gorge, always a delight, but particularly at this time of the year with its lush verdant landscape. Last time we did the walk there was a lot of vocal complaints about it being all up hill, so taking note, we did the walk in the reverse direction, and this time even though it was the same length, same altitude climbed, there were no complaints. I wish all problems in life were so easily solved. The walk takes you from Capileria into the gorge at Cebadilla and back via way of the river to Capileria. It was one of those days when you could see for miles, or in Spain Kms, and the snow capped peaks of Veleta and Mulachen looked magnificent. Passing back through Capileria we stopped for a beer before returning to Margarets house for an excellent tapa, and entertainment from the neighboughs next door.

Our walk this coming Sunday the 30th of June is a local one up to the Ermita at Pinos del Valle, it takes about 3 hours and it is not difficult, we start off from the Laverdero in Pinos and walk on farm tracks for about 1 hour before turning and heading for the Ermita.
Afterwards a BBQ and tapa be held at our house in Chite, the walk or tapa is open to all Limpers, around 3 pm. Olwyn is doing Sausages on the BBQ if you want anything else doing bring it along.


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