Walk 27th July 2008

This week we went to look at the new windmills they are building on the hilltop above Murchas, at the moment all the paths are a bit chewed up with all the construction work going on, but I feel sure once everything is in place and working the area will return to its own natural beauty. I consider it a good idea that they generate as much power as possible using these windmills, and at least living inChite we can't see them! After the walk we went to Margarets house in Murchas, Apologises to anyone who was looking for Margaret's house in Chite as advertised last week, at least it kept the riff raf out. As always a superb spread was laid on. Thank you to everyone who turned up and to Margaret and Family for the venue.

Our walk this Sunday the 27th July is the long postponed one to the Embalse de las Yeguas on the side of Veleta. The walk is not difficult from a path point of view the only problem is, it is all above 3000 meters and the lungs do have to work a bit harder, but it is good training if you want to go on the Mulachen walk in August. Please make sure that you bring some warm clothing, a fleece and windproof jacket are ideal. The forecast temperature up there is 16 degrees but it always seems to be a lot colder especially if it is windy. Also sufficient food and drink are vital.

Afterwards tapa will be held at Arturo's house in Chite at around 5 pm.


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