Walk Sunday 11 December 2016 Ermita Pinos del Valle

What a change to the weather we had last week, gone are the damp miserable days, to be replaced by glorious sunshine, and to celebrate the return of the sun we climbed up to the Ermita del Cristo Zapato in Pinos del Valle. It was cold when we met up down by the dam for the start of our walk, hats, scarfs and gloves cold, but you could tell the day had promise. To start with the path winds around the hillside slowly climbing its way up. Mike was convinced he knew the way and tried leading us off piste. We let him go off by himself, knowing that he would soon return. We then resumed the walk, following the correct trail as it started to do some serious climbing. It wasn’t long before layers were starting to come off. As we progressed up through the forest we came across some hunters, who they were or what they were hunting we had no idea. They looked more like Special forces, with their assault rifles, radios and camouflage gear. I tried surrendering to t...