Walk 19th August 2007

Lecrin Valley Limper

Dear All

With an early start scheduled for this Sundays walk it was a pleasant surprise to find that 16 Limpers turned up for what promised to be a great days walking. Our walk up Veleta had been postponed a few weeks back due to strong winds which caused the cancellation of the chair lift, so it was with some relief when we arrived at the car park at Hoya de la Mora to find everything working normally. There are a number of ways that you can get to the summit of Veleta but our preferred option is to walk from the car park for about 1 hour to the upper ski resort allowing some time to acclimatise to the altitude, we then take the chair lift up another 300 meters which leaves us with another 300 meters to climb over a distance of about 3.5 km. The distance walked to get to the summit is only about 7 km but when you are unaccustomed to operating at this altitude it is far enough. So about two and half hours after leaving the car park 14 tired but very happy walkers reach the summit of Veleta (3396 meters). We lost 2 walkers along the way when they decided to turn back at the top of the chair lift. It was quite a pleasant change that in the middle of August we were all dressed in fleece and windproof jackets, hats, scarves and gloves. There were a number in the group who had wondered whether they were up to the challenge of Spain’s second’s highest mountain, I am pleased to report that they all preformed superbly and will be inscribed for ever in the limpers hall of fame. The way back is somewhat quicker because you can use short cuts that your legs and lungs refuse to use on the way up. On our return to the car park cool beers were obtained from the cafes before our return journey to the valley and tapa at Annie’s, where she had prepared a vegetarian curry. I still can not understand why the carnivores, who claim that they only ever eat meat, always dive into the veggie dishes first. Is it a fact that they are all closet vegetarians who secretly prefer the delicious dishes that are served up each week? Thanks to everyone for a great day out and a superb tapa party.

Our walk this coming Sunday the 19th August is really just an excuse to have another picnic. The walk is only about 1 hour long following a Acequias that runs high up above Orgiva (high up = cool) there is plenty of shade but bring some fly repellent because of the nearby water. Meet outside the Acropolis bar in Mondújar at 10 am. We then drive to the picnic area near to Puerto Palo, which is about 10km along a forest trail, above Cañar in the Alpujarras (approx 1 hour drive). Bring the usual picnic things plus coffee if you want a drink before the start of the walk. Picnic time around 1 pm.

Important A note for the walk planned for Sunday 26th August

We are planning to go up Mulhacen at 3479 meters, Spain’s highest mountain This is a full day out and a stunning walk. We leave the valley at 7am for the drive to Caplleira where we catch a mini bus up to the Mirador de Trevélez. From here the path climbs about 750 meters to the summit. The walking and the path are not difficult but remember that you are at high altitude and it takes about 3 hours to get to the top and 2 hours back to catch the bus at 4.15. before returning to the valley about 7.

Because we have to book tickets on the bus, if you want to go, please let us know before Friday 17th the cost for the bus ticket is 7.70€. Booked tickets may have to be paid for whether you go or not. If the weather is not suitable for the summit an alternative high level walk will be offered.


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