Walk 29th July 2007

Lecrin Valley Limper

Dear all

Today’s walk was bound to be popular, 10 am start, easy river walk and a picnic. What more could you ask for on a sunny Sunday morning. So the 19 Limpers set off for the short drive to the rio Dilar. For anybody who has never been before and for the ones making a return visit, this is a delightful steep sided valley with a river running beside the footpath. I know that for UK residents at the moment any river is to be avoided, but for the Limpers a river offers the opportunity to cool the feet down. The path keeps crossing the river by a series of stepping stones useful in the winter, but in the summer it is more fun just to wade across. Last week we sat by the side of a lake 2850 meters up Veleta, this week we walked in the river from the lake 2000 meters lower and it was wonderful .Because you have to retrace your steps, you can return at anytime you want. In an effort to keep some sort of order in the proceedings it was decided that the picnic would start at 2pm. This guaranteed that everyone was back in time even the ones who managed to find a bar. The large picnic table we had commandeered groaned under the weight of the delicious food placed upon it. After some 2 hours of eating and drinking, it was obviously too much for some of the group as a number were found to be taking siestas under the trees.

About a month ago whilst on another river walk a number of the group brushed past an innocuous looking plant, this resulted in some very nasty blistering and scarring. The picture shows the plant, be warned keep well away from it, we have only noticed it growing in very damp areas i.e. river banks. The effects are very similar to poison Ivy, more information about symptoms and treatment http://www.uspharmacist.com/index.asp?show=article&page=8_1281.htm

The walk this coming Sunday the 29th July is the Pica Lopera walk. The last time we did this I made the comment that it should be possible to see Africa from the top, true to form you were unable to see your hand in front of your face. The walk takes about 3 hours and while it does climb some 200 meters it is not steep. If you want to go on the walk meet in Padul, where we usually meet just before the second set of traffic lights, at 7.45 am. Because Quina has offered to host the tapa party bring your tapa with you, and we can leave it in Quina´s house. The early start should mean that the walk will be finished by 12 am and as we start the walk opposite a bar we may well end up in said bar at the end of the walk, before going on to Quina´s for 2 pm.

I am sorry to hear that Chris has decided to leave the valley by the end of the year, and head off to SW France, the good news is that all his books are half price. The book shop will close on August 4th. Until then it will be open only Saturdays and Wednesdays (1030 to 1330) and everything is on sale at half price, including Twinings teas! We wish him good luck in his new country.

The picture shows this weeks walkers Josette, Deborah, Alan, Arantxa, Carol, Nick, Annie, John, Quina, Bob, Arthur, Olwyn, Ken, Joe, Margaret, Jilly, Gillian, and Sandra.


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