Walk 5th August 2007

Lecrin Valley Limper

Dear Limper

The weather over here has started to get warm with the mercury now hitting 38C or in old money 100F on a regular basis, and it was only the true ´´die hards´´ who chose to get out of bed for an early start this week. Our destination this week was Pica Lopera, A relatively easy walk with spectacular 360 degrees views from the 1800 meter summit. We had only been walking about 5 minutes when we discovered Annie had started collecting fir cones, after a bit of persuasion she did agree to leave them and collect them on the way back. Because of our early start we were at the top and having breakfast in a very pleasant breeze by 10 am. At this time of the year the fire watch tower on the top is manned, and the warden had even taken his dog and budgie up with him to keep him company, not expecting that anybody would be daft enough to walk up there in July. The advantage of an early start is that you can get into the bar sooner and so we high tailed back down hill and stopped at the conveniently situated bar in the car park. We could have parked in a number of places but only one place has a bar. After a couple of rounds and some decidedly non vegetarian tapa we set off back to Padul and Quina´s house for tapa. This week was a treat for the postre lovers with a total of 7 puddings on offer, what a pity Arthur was not there. Thank you to Quina for hosting and to everyone for providing the feast.

I am unable to go on next weeks walk due to prior commitments, so your guides will be Alan and John They have decided to do the Monachil walk, actually I think the walk is just an excuse for the carnivores to pig out at the Argentinean steak bar afterwards. The walk is not the full circular walk we normally do, but a foreshortened version that remains in the valley bottom avoiding the worst of the sun. If you want to go on the walk meet in the carpark in Nigüelas at 9am. Classification, walk easy, not suitable for Vegetarians.

Walks coming up


Cañar picnic


Have a good week


The photo shows Annie with the fur cones she finally collected.


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