Walk 28th October 2007

Dear all
Our walk on Sunday was a return to the old favorite "Monachil" and what a beautiful walk it was, lovely warm sunshine and deep blue skies, you can´t beat it! Monachil is always a popular walk due to its stunning gorge and the swinging rope bridges and Sunday was no exception with 18 turning out for the walk. It must have been national walk the gorge week because I have never seen so many people out for a walk, it was great to see everyone enjoying themselves. Or maybe it was a chance to star in the latest film from Nick nic productions that was being filmed, there were hundreds of Tom Cruz and Angelina Jolie lookalikes all looking for leading rolls. Annie took it upon herself to interview a number of the male actors and at one point the hussy was caught inspecting his nuts, and Elsa had a star part falling off a ledge into the river. Afterwards we returned to Chite and Rob and Sandies house for tapa, where this week the Veggies had a field day with a total meat free tapa, well done everyone.
Our excursion this coming Sunday is a Mushroom hunt, so bring a knife and something to carry them in, the walk is not difficult as most of the time will be spent foraging in the undergrowth, no guarantees are given as to what we may find and even though Quina can advise you on what is suitable to eat, no claims for death, poisoning or injury will be accepted.
If you want to go on the walk meet in the car park in NigĂșelas at 9am (Don´t forget to put your clocks back Saturday night) for the mystery drive to the secret Setas venue, everyone including drivers must wear blindfolds. Afterwards tapa is at our house in Chite.
For Sale
Used once 1 pair of hiking boots size five and half (pink) apply Haley Bellwood