Walk 23rd September 2007

Lecrin Valley Limper
Dear All
Our walk last Sunday the 16th has always been amongst my favourites, and every time we return here some else adds the comment “the best walk I have ever done” so if you could not make it this time, make sure you look out for “Huétor parque natual” the next time it comes around. The conditions were perfect, blue sky, T shirt warm but not too hot, what more could we ask for. There were a few grumbles on the couple of places where the path got a bit steeper, but nothing I could not ignore, knowing full well once they got to the top, and saw the views the pain would soon be forgotten. Part of the group claimed to have seen a 2ft Lizard, mind you it was a bit like the old fishing story it got bigger with the telling and we have no photographic evidence to prove this. On our return to the valley we all went around to Gillian and Charlie’s house for tapa. A good day was enjoyed by all.
The walk this coming Sunday, the 23rd September, is the walk from Lanjaron to Mondújar. It is about 11km long and takes about 4 hours, and involves climbing about 300 meters most of it within the first hour. Afterwards tapa will be held at Annie´s house in Mondújar.
If you want to go meet at the Acropolis bar Mondújar at 9am for the drive to Lanjaron, when we get back to Mondújar the drivers will have to return to Lanjaron (by car) to collect their vehicles. Numbers could well be down for this walk as half of the valley is returning to the
A note for the diary, we are planning (subject to reasonable weather conditions) a 2 night away day on the 16th October returning on the 19th. The plan is that we walk from Capileria to the Refugio del Poqueire for a 2 night stay, there is a restaurant and bunk beds, bedding is provided. The second day is walking in the mountains and returning to the Refugio for the second night. The 3rd day we return to Capileria and home. The walking will be hard and it could be quite cold, so cold and wet weather gear is required. Let me know if you want to go.
This week’s photos shows Carol, Sandie, Sandra, Charlie, Margaret, Annie, John, Rob, Gillian, Nick, Peter.