14th May 2006 Monachil gorge

Yo Limper
Well after a bit of a damp week the weather settled down for the weekend enabling us, finally, to get to Monachil, and once again experience what must be one of the finest walks in Spain. For a long time members have kept asking how far this or that walk is, and the answer has always been 'well its about this or that'. So it was with great excitement this weekend that we set off on the Monachil gorge walk with Haley and her new pedometer, with the sure knowledge that finally our 'this or that' estimates would be accurate. Sadly I have to report that the reading we ended up with was 2. We were unable to make this fit with any of our previous 'this or that' estimates, it later transpired that she had been carrying the pedometer in her rucksack, which may have contributed to the error. In an effort to boost member numbers we have now resorted to picking up strangers on route. We had not been walking long before a young French lady caught us up, and after exchanging the usual Anglo /Franco pleasantries she decided to join our group. I had no idea that we could all be so charming. She was on holiday with 13 friends who had set off to cycle to the ski resort.I think the walk was classified as the easy option. The group finally made it back to the Bar in Monachil for a well earned cool drink before returning to Josette's house in Chite for tapa, once again thanks everyone for putting on a good spread.
A note must be made of the unruly behaviour of Mr Arthur Howells who insisted of jumping up and down on the swing bridges, anymore of that kind of thing and he will be getting a letter.
The walk this coming Sunday, the 14th May, is to the Huetor National Park to the North East of Granada on the Guadix road. For anybody who has not been here, the park is very interesting with a large forested area and good views over the Sierra Nevada. The idea is that we meet in Niguelas at 9.45 and then drive to the Park meeting Bob and Githa along the way. I won't bother you with the logistical nightmare that will now take place with the cars, enough say that the logistics manager will have sleepless nights working this one out. The walk itself is about 7km through pine forest mainly level or down hill but nothing too steep. Classed suitable for Olwyn
The tapa club will then convene back at the Masonic Lodge in Chite.
Notes of the week
They are now trying to fill the new dam it is called "Rules Dam" but it now appears they have not put in any pipes, so even if they manage to fill it nobody can use it. They reckon it will take at least another 5 years before they can start to use it.
The Sunday Granada market is said to be shut now until the summer, when it will reopen on a new site.