17th September Nigúelas

Dear Limper
Our walk last Sunday started from the car par in Niguelas. We headed off on the GR7 route to Murchas before taking the newly upgraded road going down into and across the Rio Torrente. The road has been constructed at great expense but does not appear to serve any purpose what so ever. Once over the river we climbed the opposite bank into Acequias. For the return trip to Niguelas it was democratically decided to take the higher of the two routes as this affords good views over the Torrente and Niguelas. About halfway up this path you can take a branch of the GR7 that returns you to Niguelas and this was our chosen route. We had not gone very far when we came across a Scorpion hiding under a rock, for me and a number of others in the group it was the first time we had come across anything so dangerous and there was only Dave who wanted to stroke it. Back down by the Rio Torrente we decided to take a detour on a recently reconstructed footpath running along side an Acequias, This is obviously the Alcades pride and joy because they have done a good job with the path and fences, but the section with the narrow path and overhanging rock has been left, unfortunately this was too much for some members and they had to turn back. We all met up again in Niguelas for a trip around the old Olive mill, and we finished off at Antonio's and Marie Trinnies house for Tapa and a sing song with Antonio leading the way on his Guitarra,
The walk this coming Sunday is from Albunuelas to Restabal an easy walk that takes about 2 hours and is virtually all down hill, we will then go on to Bar Jovi for tapa. Anybody who then fancies walking back to Chite can do.
Meet at the church in Restabal at 9.30, where we will leave at least one car, we then drive along to Albunuelas and walk back to Restabal, later returning by car to Albunuelas to collect the cars. This walk is classed suitable for Olwyn.