21st May 2006 Sierra De Huetor

Yo Limpers, Dis is da Al taking over for da week.
Lecrin Limpers Walk ….
Leaving the valley in its misty mire, 7 intrepid Limpers had the most delightful of walks, in the Sierra de Huetor Parque Natural for approx 3 hours.
We were of course so disappointed & dismayed to learn at the last minute that Stuart & Olwyn, would not be able to make it-despite the coolbox being ready & packed with a host of picnic goodies- seems urgent attention was required due to a pre-breakfast crisis in’t casa! But we survived- life limps on regardless!
It would seem everyone thoroughly enjoyed the experience- a veritable botanical
bonanza(again!)- especially, if like me, you’ve never seen a wild peony before this week- the area was rife with them and ‘Broken-Wing’ was beside himself, stopping
us every 20m to view yet another ….. wild orchid!!
Refreshment & a well deserved sitdown was at the Cuevas del Aguas, complete with viewing area/panoramic poster of the view to the Sierra Nevada, but alas, only a snowy glimmer of their glory was possible due to the heat haze!
Somewhat later we descended to an idyllic daisy-carpeted ‘Sound of Music’area just below a rocky outcrop with a cross on top(Penon de Viznar). This was a cue for a Broken-Wing photo op, with the cross- so Graham & Al did their ‘boy-thing’ up to the cross, while the rest took their ease in the warmth of the sunshine. On our return- Liz, Josette, Pat & Val were having a natter(as you do)while 30m away lay
a body stretched out on its bed of daisies- the artful daisy-dodger taking the rays!
An hour later back at the Visitor’s Centre(well worth an extended viewing at a later date)cars were collected and we hightailed it back to Chite for some well-earned tapas at the Masonic Lodge, where peace & tranquility had been restored amongst the guests - there was now hot water!!
Remember the old slogan: “clunk-klic every trip”- well Mark might just tell you about it sometime, if you buy him a beer-unfortunately Mark & Haley did not show for tapas, we assume far too busy on that house- this is worrying: a cautionary word
Haley-all work, everyday & no walking play is gonna make Mark a very dull boy!
Then just as we thought all dramas were over for the day-the artful daisy-dodger, dashes off with the remains of his trifle, still fair dues, we had it coming to us when someone had mentioned ‘you don’t make trifle with jelly’! The end of a lovely day!
PS A day later, what do I find? In the latest Where2 the ‘Nature Notes’ from Jean & Terry was nearly all about …. wild peonies! Seems there are 2 poss species, but we were probably seeing Paeonia Coriacea, or Rosa Maldita in Spanish … bueno!