21st May 2006 Sierra De Huetor

Yo Limpers, Dis is da Al taking over for da week.

Lecrin Limpers Walk …. Sunday 14 May ’06

Leaving the valley in its misty mire, 7 intrepid Limpers had the most delightful of walks, in the Sierra de Huetor Parque Natural for approx 3 hours.

We were of course so disappointed & dismayed to learn at the last minute that Stuart & Olwyn, would not be able to make it-despite the coolbox being ready & packed with a host of picnic goodies- seems urgent attention was required due to a pre-breakfast crisis in’t casa! But we survived- life limps on regardless!

It would seem everyone thoroughly enjoyed the experience- a veritable botanical

bonanza(again!)- especially, if like me, you’ve never seen a wild peony before this week- the area was rife with them and ‘Broken-Wing’ was beside himself, stopping

us every 20m to view yet another ….. wild orchid!!

Refreshment & a well deserved sitdown was at the Cuevas del Aguas, complete with viewing area/panoramic poster of the view to the Sierra Nevada, but alas, only a snowy glimmer of their glory was possible due to the heat haze!

Somewhat later we descended to an idyllic daisy-carpeted ‘Sound of Music’area just below a rocky outcrop with a cross on top(Penon de Viznar). This was a cue for a Broken-Wing photo op, with the cross- so Graham & Al did their ‘boy-thing’ up to the cross, while the rest took their ease in the warmth of the sunshine. On our return- Liz, Josette, Pat & Val were having a natter(as you do)while 30m away lay

a body stretched out on its bed of daisies- the artful daisy-dodger taking the rays!

An hour later back at the Visitor’s Centre(well worth an extended viewing at a later date)cars were collected and we hightailed it back to Chite for some well-earned tapas at the Masonic Lodge, where peace & tranquility had been restored amongst the guests - there was now hot water!!

Remember the old slogan: “clunk-klic every trip”- well Mark might just tell you about it sometime, if you buy him a beer-unfortunately Mark & Haley did not show for tapas, we assume far too busy on that house- this is worrying: a cautionary word

Haley-all work, everyday & no walking play is gonna make Mark a very dull boy!

Then just as we thought all dramas were over for the day-the artful daisy-dodger, dashes off with the remains of his trifle, still fair dues, we had it coming to us when someone had mentioned ‘you don’t make trifle with jelly’! The end of a lovely day!

PS A day later, what do I find? In the latest Where2 the ‘Nature Notes’ from Jean & Terry was nearly all about …. wild peonies! Seems there are 2 poss species, but we were probably seeing Paeonia Coriacea, or Rosa Maldita in Spanish … bueno!

Regards Editor of the week Alan

The walk this Sunday the 21st May takes us back to Monachil, I know it is only a couple of weeks since we were last there but there are a number of footpaths in the area that we have never walked, and so it is about time that we found out where they go. Because we will be covering new ground we can't say what the walk will be like either in length or the gradients involved. If you want to join us on the expedition please meet at the Acropolis bar in Mondujar 9am Sunday morning. The tapa club will be held later at Casa Girasol (Bob and Githa's (look for the windmills)) in Mondujar.

Thank you Al for taking over as the Limp Leader, everyone thoroughly enjoyed the walk.

Regards Stuart


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