Planned Walk 8th October
Dear Limper
The planned Izbor walk for the 8th October has been postponed, Because we have to fit in a high altitude walk before the weather deteriorates. This walk is a unique opportunity for everyone to experience walking amongst the Giants! The highest mountains in Spain, Mulhacen at 3479 Meters, Veleta, Caballo, and the best bit there is no effort involved. All the hard work is done by a bus run by the Sierra Nevada National park which takes us from Capileira to the Mirador de Trevélez at 2700 meters. leaving you with a virtually level high altitude walk along the old Veleta mountain road. The intended destination is the Glacial lake of the Laguna de Caldera but because we use the same route for both the outward and return journey you are under no pressure to walk further than what you feel comfortable with.
We catch the 11.00 am bus from Capileira which drops us off about 1 hour later at the top and we catch the return bus at 4.15 leaving us with about 4 hours to explore this wonderful area.
The return bus journey costs 7.50 euro and places on the bus are limited and have to be prebooked, Please let us know by Monday 2nd of October if you want us to reserve you a place. If you book a ticket you will have to pay even if you don't turn up. If the weather is poor and the bus is not running then you don't have to pay.
If you want to come, contact me and reserve a place on the bus.
Meet at the acropolis bar Modujar 9.30 Sunday 8th for the drive to Capileira.
We will plan to get back to Mondujar around 7pm.