28th May 2006 Monachil

Dear All
Our outing this last weekend took us back to everyone's favourite destination of Monachil, but this time we were not out to enjoy ourselves. The four selfless souls were on a mission, to boldly go where no limper had gone before, to discover new tracks and distant hillsides, So on a bright sunny morning 4 men and a dog set off heading for the halfway point where we normally turn back and cross the river for the return journey. But this time we were doing the walk in the reverse direction and instead of turning around we headed up the hillside following the signs for Hoya Romero which after quite a steep climb eventually brought us out in a large daisy filled pasture. Congratulating ourselves that the worst of the climbing was over we all heartily tucked into our snap, The walk had not resumed for more than a few minutes when a decision had to be made, did we head downhill and back to the bar and the car, or uphill and away from the bar and the car. A vote was taken and on a showing of hands and paws the majority verdict was to head uphill. For anyone thinking of doing this new route don't be tempted to eat your sandwiches in the pleasant daisy filled pasture, save them for another half hour when you have finished the steep climb. A further uphill section can be taken to Fuente Frio, but due to the increasingly hostile remarks emanating from the lower ranks it was decided to head downhill and back to the car. The path returns you back to Monachil by way of quite a long and steep descent. We were all looking forward to a nice cool beer in the little bar by the car park, so you can all imagine our disappointment when we saw the little sign saying closed for 1st communion, but one thing about Spain there is always another bar around the corner. This one by the bridge in Monachil was serving iced cold beer. Whilst the walk was enjoyable I consider that the original walk can't be beaten. On our return to the valley we all went to Bob and Githa's for tapa and a delicious birthday cake for Graham.
The walk this coming Sunday the 28th is up the Rio Dillar (river conditions permitting). The planned walk is suitable for all abilities because it can be done in 2 parts with the easy group doing a moderately level linear walk turning around and going back whenever they want and the hard group continuing and coming back via the Bocca de la Pesca. The walk is highly recommended not only because of the stunning scenery but also because we hope Bob will re-enact his falling in the river trick that he performed last time we went up here. Afterwards the tapa club will convene at Jose's bar in Cozvijar. Please meet at the Acropolis bar in Mondujcar 9 am.
Notes for the walk the path crosses the river about 5 times using stepping stones so sometimes wet feet are unavoidable.