5th November Albunúelas

Report from walk leader Graham.
Circular walk from Albnúelas Sunday 5th November
A small select band of English and French gathered in the overspill carpark, all prompt before 10am. The stand in leader, Graham (in the absence of El Presidente, Stuart) decided we would wait for 5-10 minutes for any latecomers. Where upon at 10.10 prompt we were suddenly overwhelmed by a large raiding party of Dutch. Finally we departed in the direction of the gorge with a group of eight Dutch, five English one French and 4 dogs (additionally, it is worthy of note that there were only three men in the group thus making it very difficult to keep control).
Nethertheless, the walk proved to be a success with beautiful weather and very pleasant views, particularly with interesting cloud formations above Nigúelas. Two new members, Plym (not sure of the spelling- apologies) and Deborah both said that they enjoyed themselves and promised to join us again in the future.
Liz and I are returning to England on Wednesday and unfortunately, we will not be back in Chite until March. We wish all "Limpers" a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
Editors note.
Please note I am not responsible for the racist or sexist comments in this weeks report, as you all know from past news letters I try very hard to make everyone welcome and I try not to single out anyone, or group, for criticism, so I think it is a bit much picking on the Dutch for being late again.
To celebrate Bonfire night the tapa was held at the Masonic Lodge in chite. While we were expecting a reasonable turnout with the open invitation allowing none walkers to attend, which would have been difficult if it had not, seeing as neither I or Olwyn went on the walk, I gave up counting when the numbers exceeded 40. Once again the range of food was outstanding and the quality would surpass anything even Gary Rhodes could put on. In true bonfire tradition we had a Guy and a pretend bonfire, parkin, bonfire toffee, mushy peas, baked potatoes, BBQ, someone even found a packet of sparklers. and of course there was even time for a few games of Apple bobbing, hunt the marshmallows buried in flour and the old Maltesar and straw game.
It is with a sad farewell we say Adios to Alan,and Graham and Liz as they head off to a warmer climate for the winter, we look forward to their return in the spring.
We have a large selection of bowls and dishes that came with the tapa this weekend, if you are missing one or two can you call and collect.
We have to return to the UK sometime over the next couple of weeks so for the moment there are no further walks planned.