29th October Izbor

Dear Limper
Our walk this last weekend was a delight, I won't hear anybody say anything wrong about Izbor again, by the way, if you could not get the Izbor spell checker thing to work last week, I will just say that mine came up with "Inborn" whilst trying to correct "Izbor". The arrangements last weekend involved a lot of moving cars around, so we all met in Pinos del valle, then the drivers took the cars down to Izbor while the rest of us retired to a bar for coffee and tostada whilst awaiting the drivers return. The walk was being led by Nick and Carol who live in Pinos so I was a bit reluctant to mention anything when we headed up hill in a Northerly direction, when according to my memory Izbor was down hill and South,. We proceeded to hit all points of the compass for about 1 hour before finally heading off in the right direction. Nick did reassure us that he knew where he was going and was enhancing our experience of the area by taking us on unknown footpaths and alley ways. The path was an eye opener, with wonderful terraced Olive groves, lush green fields and paths winding amongst giant Cactus. What, from the motorway on the opposite side of the valley, looks like a hillside devoid of any charm is transformed into a walkers paradise. It was strange that as we arrived in Izbor what had been a well spread out group of walkers, suddenly became a tightly knit group, each person not wanting to be separated from his neighbough. Arriving at the Bar Casa Blanca the landlord wanted to know where we lived, when we mentioned Chite, Niguelas, Padul he rolled his eyes and gave us that superior knowing look of someone who had heard about the strange people who populated the head of the valley.
On our return to Chite we all went around to Liz and Graham's house for tapa. Once again the quality and range of food on offer was astounding.
This coming Sunday the arrangements are slightly different, first off I am not going on the walk, The walk will be lead by Graham and it is the delightful circular walk from Albunuelas the walk takes about 2.5 hours and is classed as easy and suitable for Olwyn. The walk starts from the car park in Albunuelas at 10 am then proceeds up hill for about 15 minutes before joining the track that runs alongside the top of the gorge, after about 1 hour the path swaps to the other side of the valley and returns to Albunuelas, where I feel sure a bar can be found for refreshment.
The tapa afterwards will be back at our house in Chite from around 4pm onwards, because of the significance of the date the 5th of November the tapa will take on a Bonfire night flavour. For our Spanish friends the 5th of November is an important fiesta day. When people all over Britain celebrate the fact that in 1605 a man named Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the Government, unfortunately he was caught and executed. The celebrations in Britain involve lighting big fires and setting off Fuegos artiificiales. You do not need to go on the walk in order to come to the tapa.