15th October Guajar Faraguit

Dear Limpers
Well what an interesting day out we had today, let me start at the beginning, A couple of weeks ago Alan and my self were invited to join a walking group run by Guillermo from the Nomadas outdoor sports shop in Durcal (The number 1 spot in the area for all your outdoor gear) and we had a very enjoyable day out and met and made friends with a group of Spanish walkers. To thank them for their kindness shown to us, we invited them to join us on today's walk. So it was with great excitement that a group of 11 British and 13 Spanish made their way to Guajar Alto. Where,, after stopping for coffee at Comidas Carmen a long line of walkers set of for the walk back to Guajar Faraquit. We had not been walking for long before it soon became apparent that what once had been a very good path had detoriated after the storms a couple of months back, and it was not long before the group spread out with the leaders disappearing into the distance only reappearing again when we got back to the Bar in Faraquit. At this point I must apologise to the weaker walkers in the group who found the route more difficult than was originally advertised, but having only walked the route in the opposite direction before I had not appreciated there was so many uphill sections. But help was at hand for the final road section when Nick turned up in his car to collect the stragglers. After refreshment in the bar, the cars were recovered from Guarjar Alto and 14 of the group returned to Jose's house in Pinos del Valle for an excellent tapa table.
The walk this coming Sunday the 22nd of October is a new one for the group and takes us back into the Alpujarras and to the pretty village of Mercina Fondales. In order not to confuse or mislead anyone about the walk the guide book describes it as taking 3 hours, covering 9km, it has 400 meters of ascent and descent and is of average difficulty. No responsibility accepted for the accuracy of these details. As you can probably work out from the above, I received a number of death threats after today's walk. After the walk we return to Josette's house in Chite for tapa and to celebrate her birthday.
If you want to go on the walk meet at the Acropolis bar in Mondujar at 9am for the drive up to Fondales which takes about 1 hour, with stops/breaks/diversions and the un-organised chaos of this weeks walk we should return to Chite for about 4pm.